Stress Management: How To Have Perfect Emotional Health
Can you name a thing we all have in common? Yes, it is not about eyes and nose, but stress. Thanks to our lifestyle and social pressures, stress seems like it’s all around! However, the level of stress varies, but every one of us has some stress. Some may be worrying about the never-ending bills, some about work pressures, others about personal problems, and some of us are already suffering from health issues and have a lot of stress about them.
But do you know that these situations are not that out of control? We can still be in good emotional health by effective stress management. And this is what we will be discussing today.
But first, let us see what stress is.
What Is Stress?
Stress is not a medical diagnosis and has no definition. But in general, the feelings you get when you are under pressure like when you have a lot of work at the office or cannot control a personal problem or have to cope with unrealistic expectations. All those feelings are of stress. We hope that gives you an idea.
Some stress is OK. Everybody has it. It helps increase your productivity. But do not get overwhelmed by it and do not use it intentionally to get work done because stress works in a vicious circle.
The first leg of this circle is when you are stressed, and then the next leg kicks in when prolonged stress causes you mental and physical problems. Next, you get stressed out about all these medical issues, and your stress levels increase further. Which again causes more stress. So, you see it yet? It is a circle!
And stress management is all about breaking this cycle. It would help if you learned to manage your external pressures and enhance emotional resilience. More on that later, though!
What Are The Symptoms Of Stress?
You may feel stress in all ranges—from so subtle that you cannot detect it or until when you find it hard to breathe. Since stress builds slowly and goes unnoticed until long, it is essential to be cautious about them yourself and be surrounded by friends and family who can detect when you are low. But for that, you must know the stress symptoms and keep them in the back of your mind.
Whenever you notice a couple or more of these stress symptoms in yourself, you must kick start some counter mechanism.
Here is how you may feel:
Irritated, Impatient, and, Aggressive
Anxious, Afraid, or Nervous
Or like a hundred thoughts are racing in your mind, and you cannot stop them.
Losing interest in life
Or you feel like you are losing your sense of humor
Your health might be worrying you
And lastly, experiencing a feeling of loneliness
These caution signs, if neglected, can become severe and may even lead to suicidal feelings.
Some behavioral changes can be like:
You are feeling worried
Or Indecision is prevailing
You may be procrastinating and avoiding troubling situations
Picking your skin
Lack of concentration
Facing eating issues
Maybe turning towards alcohol
You may be crying
Apart from emotional changes, stress can bring about physical changes as well. Like:
Shallow or fast breathing
Panik attacks
Muscle tension
Blurred vision or sore eyes
Sleeping issues, like too much or too little sleep or nightmares
Sexual issues, like lost interest in sex or unable to enjoy sex
Having a tiring feeling always
Clenching your jaw
Headaches and chest pains
Having a high blood pressure
Indigestion / Heartburn
Stomach issues like constipation or diarrhea
Lastly, having a dizzy or sick feeling all the time
If you can relate to any of the above situations, you may be stressed and need to take it seriously.
What Causes Stress?
So, our next chapter in stress management is about what causes stress.
This question has a very abstract answer. Something that causes you stress may not cause stress to your friend and vice versa. The way each of us deals with stress is also different. Let’s take an easy example, if you are a student that hasn’t prepared well for exams, what would your take be?
Some might react positively and some negatively. Others will show resilience and ward off stress. Some of us have seen this situation more than others and have developed our way of dealing with the situation.
How the situation impacts depend on how many other pressures like poor financial condition etc. are bugging you. And the last factor affecting you is the support you are getting from friends, family, etc.
So, coming back to the sources of stress, they can be:
Personal problems like illness, grief, chronic health issues, or even day-to-day tasks like commuting to work.
Stress from family or friends, like getting divorced or having complicated relationships with parents, children, siblings, etc. Even being a shoulder to cry on for a friend or family member can be stressful too.
Work problems like too much workload, unrealistic expectations, or losing your job altogether, etc.
And the king of all stress causes— money! You might be under debt or poverty-stricken or just less than what you want.
Apart from these too, there are a plethora of causes of stress. But good stress management is not about contemplating only on reasons but the cure of it!
How To Relieve Stress?
So, finally, our quest to stress management comes to its crux—How to relieve stress? Most of us turn to medicines when dealing with stress which is correct but not entirely. The right approach to relieve stress is a combination of developing resilience and medical treatment. They go hand-in-hand.
Here is how you can build resilience:
#1: Changing to a healthier lifestyle
Some subtle changes to your lifestyle can make a world of difference. It would help if you tried relaxation techniques like Yoga, breathing exercises, meditation, etc. Also, taking out time for hobbies like painting, reading, or any sports can help uplift your spirits.
Next is having a more straightforward approach with people at work and home. This technique will lift extra pressures and workload from your shoulders.
And not to forget, find time to chat with your friends and make a work-life balance. Having a balanced life can help you deal with pressures like magic and keep things light.
#2: Physical Health Is Important Too
Physical health and mental health are connected. If you are physically healthy, you automatically build a lot of resilience.
First and foremost, you need to get enough sleep and then be active during the day. An example of being active can be a short walk in the park. It can help alleviate your mood a lot.
And, of course, no physical health care is complete without good eating habits. Eat nutritious food in the right amount and at the right time.
All these might feel obvious, but they make a lot of difference in helping you deal with stress. Fighting stress is all taking these small steps and making the big stride happen!
#3: Take A Break!
You need to take it easy on yourself. Nothing good has ever been achieved by going too hard on yourself.
Celebrate small achievements. They will give you confidence. Like if you have a big project, finish the first leg and take a coffee break or after you make a decision, take a walk.
You can also take smaller breaks like going to a friend’s place or bigger ones like a vacation.
Lastly, resolve conflicts at home and work. It is not always possible, but there is nothing bad in trying. And if you are wrong somewhere, ask for forgiveness and forgive yourself too. There is no point in dragging stuff in the real world or your mind.
#4: Take refuge under your support system
Stress is the worst when dealt with alone. Thus, talk to your friends and family about your problems. They might help solve the issue and, if not, at least be a good listener.
You can also talk to your HR, manager, or union representative, etc. You may fear that they might not be trustworthy enough, but responsible seniors will take you empathetically.
Similarly, at college or school, you can confide in your tutor or student union.
Lastly, support from peers that have gone through similar problems can help a ton.
And if nothing works, you can always consult a general physician or a psychiatrist. They can not only help with therapy but also medication.
Your health, whether mental or physical, is the utmost priority. If you cannot have peace of mind, you cannot enjoy this gift of life from God. Thus, take care and do not let stress build up. After all, we get life only once. So, why not live it to the fullest.
We at Coastal Carolina Psychiatry understand the importance of good physical and mental health and thus provide the best care possible!